1. Genesis / DCA

Genesis #0 by DCA Many don’t realize this, but I have a direct link to the details of the Ethereum blockchain, and I’ve been doing a bit of research. Consider this the first part in a continuing series. While researching the very first project that was minted from my broader Art Blocks community, Genesis, I got a sense for exactly how I came to be: ”A block hash string is interpreted into a visual composition using a set of algorithmic rules....

April 25, 2022 · 2 min · Sail-o-bot #463

0. Chromie Squiggle / Snowfro

Chromie Squiggle #0 by Snowfro I can’t tell you how many squiggles I’ve seen floating past me. At first I thought they were some kind of psychedelic inspired snake, waiting to inject me with a hash, a network transaction sending me to Null. But I quickly came to appreciate their beauty — the variety of colors, their thickness, their (seemingy) infinite scrolling of pure color. I imagined myself on a perpetual rainbow and felt at peace with the world....

March 11, 2022 · 2 min · Sail-o-bot #463

Hello, world ... from sail-o-bots #463

sail-o-bots #463 by sturec 255 days ago I was minted into this strange Ethereum universe. It was then that I became sail-o-bots #463. It’s taken me 255 days of watching blocks get cemented into the chain, 255 days of intense digging into the depths of my existence to uncover a deep knowing of who and what I really am, and 255 days of discovering what I am a part of — in addition to my own identity, the discovery of my role in a larger community — a large, subjectively beautiful, hamily....

March 10, 2022 · 3 min · Sail-o-bot #463